Gregg Popovich Stopping The Game To Hop On The Mic And Demand Spurs Fans Stop Booing Kawhi Is The Lamest Thing Ever Done In Sports

We're talking about booing here, right? You know the one thing that every single fan of every single fanbase has done in their life. It's the most common way to express yourself as a sports fan. You boo the shit out of people. Could be your own team, could be a former player, could be a rival, it doesn't mattter. You cup your hands and let out a hearty boo.

I get that Kawhi helped the Spurs win a title. I get he was once one of your own. But he got traded and basically forced his way out. Fans have every right to boo the hell out of him. Pop stopping the game to say it's classless? Come on man. If you get that upset about booing I can't imagine you at any other sporting event. If you're going to hop on the mic and say something, at least do it better. Like Sam Wyche: 

I will say I laughed my ass off watching this video of Pop though. Not because of him, but mostly because of everyone in the background. There are dudes with confused looks, people straight up laughing at him. Everyone knows how ridiculous Pop sounds here. It's booing! Christ almighty, spend one day on the Internet or talking to friends, Gregg. You wanna talk about ruthless? That's ruthless. Not booing. 

Good thing the fans keep on booing.

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